The Army Influence

Dreams, aspirations, rants, more rants, life updates, rants....hope you got the picture

24 August 2005

First day of school.....
Oh my.... First hour...Astro / Geo.... Teacher had us do the tornado and fire drill. The fire bell went off twice today....Somebody pulled it.... Beginning of year prank... Once before school and once during lunch...2nd hour.... Honors English... Not too bad. Teacher likes Unicorns. 3rd hour... History... Got a cool teacher... 4th hour...Francais 2... Same teacher, same french name. Class interrupted by an assembly ... 5th hour.... JROTC HOOAH!!!! Capt. gave threat briefing of expectations of year.. 6th hour.. TA for ......JROTC HOOAH!!!! Heard same threat briefing... Still impressive. ( Still think we should wear uniforms more ) 7th hour... Last hour of day... Math teacher... new to school... and teaching I think.... Had to explain JROTC to someone who is extremely perky in my class.. think cheerleader and multiply it by ten. .. Same person was happy, thrilled, bragging about getting in school suspension on the first day of school.. We can see what her goals are ... Flag practice... needs work..... Practice in the morning at 7:15 ... gonna wear a grey army jacket ... just to annoy those who don't get me. S-3 will high five me. S-3 looks very different since coming back from basic... Seems shorter now that he lost weight.. Either that or they shrunk him.
Mom got the PX done, check it out... like I said last... gotta get a teddy bear.. or two
Dance Friday night... Friend who just moved here from Virginia and I will hang together.... She is surprised there is a dance friday night after only 3 days of school.
All for now....
Seeee ya.....


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